Source code for osctiny.osc

Main API access
from __future__ import unicode_literals

from base64 import b64encode
import typing
import errno
from http.cookiejar import CookieJar
from io import BufferedReader, BytesIO, StringIO
import gc
import logging
import os
from pathlib import Path
import re
from ssl import get_default_verify_paths
import time
import threading
from urllib.parse import quote, parse_qs, urlparse
import warnings

# pylint: disable=no-name-in-module
from lxml.objectify import fromstring, makeparser
from requests import Session, Request
from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth
from requests.cookies import RequestsCookieJar, cookiejar_from_dict
from requests.exceptions import ConnectionError as _ConnectionError

from .extensions.buildresults import Build
from .extensions.comments import Comment
from .extensions.distributions import Distribution
from .extensions.issues import Issue
from .extensions.origin import Origin
from .extensions.packages import Package
from .extensions.projects import Project
from .extensions.bs_requests import Request as BsRequest
from import Search
from .extensions.users import Group, Person
from .utils.auth import HttpSignatureAuth
from .utils.backports import cached_property
from .utils.conf import BOOLEAN_PARAMS, get_credentials, get_cookie_jar
from .utils.errors import OscError

THREAD_LOCAL = threading.local()

# pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes,too-many-arguments
# pylint: disable=too-many-locals
[docs]class Osc: """ Build service API client An instance of :py:class:`Osc` provides all the extensions and access to the API as attributes, e.g. to get a list of groups use: .. code-block:: python instance = Osc(*args, **kwargs) instance.groups.get_list() .. list-table:: Extensions :header-rows: 1 * - Extension - Accessible through attribute * - :py:class:`osctiny.extensions.packages.Package` - :py:attr:`packages` * - :py:class:`osctiny.extensions.projects.Project` - :py:attr:`projects` * - :py:class:`osctiny.extensions.bs_requests.Request` - :py:attr:`requests` * - :py:class:`` - :py:attr:`search` * - :py:class:`osctiny.extensions.users.Group` - :py:attr:`groups` * - :py:class:`osctiny.extensions.users.Person` - :py:attr:`users` * - :py:class:`` - :py:attr:`build` * - :py:class:`osctiny.extensions.comments.Comment` - :py:attr:`comments` * - :py:class:`osctiny.extensions.distributions.Distribution` - :py:attr:`distributions` * - :py:class:`osctiny.extensions.origin.Origin` - :py:attr:`origins` :param url: API URL of a BuildService instance :param username: Username :param password: Password; this is either the user password (``ssh_key_file`` is ``None``) or the SSH passphrase, if ``ssh_key_file`` is defined :param verify: See `SSL Cert Verification`_ for more details :param ssh_key_file: Path to SSH private key file :raises osctiny.errors.OscError: if no credentials are provided .. versionadded:: 0.1.1 The ``cache`` parameter and the ``build`` extension .. versionadded:: 0.1.8 The ``comments`` extension .. versionadded:: 0.2.2 The ``issues`` extension .. versionadded:: 0.2.3 The ``distributions`` extension .. versionadded:: 0.3.0 The ``origins`` extension .. versionchanged:: 0.4.0 Raises an exception when no credentials are provided .. versionchanged:: 0.6.0 Support for 2FA authentication (i.e. added the ``ssh_key_file`` parameter and changed the meaning of the ``password`` parameter .. versionchanged:: 0.8.0 Removed the ``cache`` parameter .. _SSL Cert Verification: #ssl-cert-verification """ url = '' username = '' password = '' default_timeout = (60, 300) default_connection_retries = 5 default_retry_timeout = 5 def __init__(self, url: typing.Optional[str] = None, username: typing.Optional[str] = None, password: typing.Optional[str] = None, verify: typing.Optional[str] = None, ssh_key_file: typing.Optional[typing.Union[Path, str]] = None): # Basic URL and authentication settings self.url = url or self.url self.username = username or self.username self.password = password or self.password self.verify = verify self.ssh_key = ssh_key_file if self.ssh_key is not None and not isinstance(self.ssh_key, Path): self.ssh_key = Path(self.ssh_key) if not self.username and not self.password and not self.ssh_key: try: self.username, self.password, self.ssh_key = get_credentials(self.url) except (ValueError, RuntimeError, FileNotFoundError) as error: raise OscError from error # API endpoints = Build(osc_obj=self) self.comments = Comment(osc_obj=self) self.distributions = Distribution(osc_obj=self) self.groups = Group(osc_obj=self) self.issues = Issue(osc_obj=self) = Origin(osc_obj=self) self.packages = Package(osc_obj=self) self.projects = Project(osc_obj=self) self.requests = BsRequest(osc_obj=self) = Search(osc_obj=self) self.users = Person(osc_obj=self) def __del__(self): # Just in case ;-) gc.collect() @property def _session_id(self) -> str: session_hash = b64encode(f'{self.username}@{self.url}'.encode()).decode() return f"session_{session_hash}_{os.getpid()}_{threading.get_ident()}" @property def session(self) -> Session: """ Session object """ session = getattr(THREAD_LOCAL, self._session_id, None) if not session: session = Session() session.verify = self.verify or get_default_verify_paths().capath cookies = get_cookie_jar() if cookies is not None: cookies.load() session.cookies = cookies if self.ssh_key is not None: session.auth = HttpSignatureAuth(username=self.username, password=self.password, ssh_key_file=self.ssh_key) else: session.auth = HTTPBasicAuth(self.username, self.password) setattr(THREAD_LOCAL, self._session_id, session) return session @property def cookies(self) -> RequestsCookieJar: """ Access session cookies """ return self.session.cookies @cookies.setter def cookies(self, value: typing.Union[CookieJar, dict]): if not isinstance(value, (CookieJar, dict)): raise TypeError(f"Expected a cookie jar or dict. Got instead: {type(value)}") if isinstance(value, CookieJar): self.session.cookies = value else: self.session.cookies = cookiejar_from_dict(value) @property def parser(self): """ Explicit parser instance """ if not hasattr(THREAD_LOCAL, "parser"): THREAD_LOCAL.parser = makeparser(huge_tree=True) return THREAD_LOCAL.parser
[docs] def request(self, url, method="GET", stream=False, data=None, params=None, raise_for_status=True, timeout=None): """ Perform HTTP(S) request ``data`` is URL-encoded and passed on as GET parameters. If ``data`` is a dictionary and contains a key ``comment``, this value is passed on as a POST parameter. if ``raise_for_status`` is True, the used ``requests`` framework will raise an exception for occured errors. .. versionchanged:: 0.1.2 Added parameters `raise_for_status` .. versionchanged:: 0.1.3 * Added parameter `timeout` * Transfer data as GET parameters (except for comments and texts) .. versionchanged:: 0.1.5 Retry sending the request, if the remote host disconnects .. versionadded:: 0.1.7 Added parameter `params` .. versionchanged:: 0.5.0 Added logging of request/response :param url: Full URL :param method: HTTP method :param stream: Delayed access, see `Body Content Workflow`_ :param data: Data to be included as POST parameters in request :param params: Additional GET parameters to be included in request :param raise_for_status: See `requests.Response.raise_for_status`_ :param timeout: Request timeout. See `Timeouts`_ :return: :py:class:`requests.Response` .. _Body Content Workflow: #body-content-workflow .. _requests.Response.raise_for_status: #requests.Response.raise_for_status .. _Timeouts: """ timeout = timeout or self.default_timeout req = Request( method, url.replace("#", quote("#")).replace("?", quote("?")), data=self.handle_params(url=url, method=method, params=data), params=self.handle_params(url=url, method=method, params=params) ) prepped_req = self.session.prepare_request(req) prepped_req.headers['Content-Type'] = "application/octet-stream" prepped_req.headers['Accept'] = "application/xml" settings = self.session.merge_environment_settings( prepped_req.url, {}, None, None, None ) settings["stream"] = stream if timeout: settings["timeout"] = timeout logger = logging.getLogger("osctiny.request") for i in range(self.default_connection_retries, -1, -1):"Requested URL: %s", prepped_req.url) logger.debug("Sent data:\n%s\n---", "\n".join(f"{k}: {v}" for k, v in if isinstance(, dict) else logger.debug("Sent parameters:\n%s\n---", "\n".join(f"{k}: {v}" for k, v in ( req.params if isinstance(req.params, dict) else parse_qs(req.params, keep_blank_values=True) ).items())) try: response = self.session.send(prepped_req, **settings) except _ConnectionError as error: warnings.warn("Problem connecting to server: {}".format(error)) log_method = logger.error if i < 1 else logger.warning log_method("Request failed: %s", error) if i < 1: raise logger.debug("Retrying request in %d seconds", self.default_retry_timeout) time.sleep(self.default_retry_timeout) else:"Server replied with status %d", response.status_code) logger.debug("Response headers:\n%s\n---", "\n".join(f"{k}: {v}" for k, v in response.headers.items())) if not stream: # The response content must not be accessed when streaming logger.debug("Response content:\n%s\n---", response.text) if raise_for_status: response.raise_for_status() return response return None
@cached_property def _boolean_param_map(self) -> typing.Dict[typing.Pattern, typing.Dict[str, typing.Tuple[str]]]: """ Return mapping table to identify boolean parameters for a given API endpoint """ return {re.compile(url): data for url, data in BOOLEAN_PARAMS.items()}
[docs] def get_boolean_params(self, url: str, method: str) -> typing.Tuple[str]: """ Get the actual boolean parameter for ``url`` and ``method`` .. versionadded:: 0.7.3 """ parsed_url = urlparse(url) for pattern, boolean_params_for_url in self._boolean_param_map.items(): match = pattern.match(parsed_url.path) if match: return boolean_params_for_url.get(method, ()) return ()
[docs] def handle_params(self, url: str, method: str, params: typing.Union[bytes, str, StringIO, BytesIO, BufferedReader, dict]) \ -> bytes: """ Translate request parameters to API conform format .. note:: The build service does not handle URL-encoded Unicode well. Therefore, parameters are encoded as ``bytes``. .. warning:: The build service does not declare its parameters properly and developers do `not intend to fix`_ this server-side. If you want to use _boolean_ parameters, make sure to use ``True`` and ``False``. If you use ``0`` or ``1`` instead, you might receive unexpected results. .. _not intend to fix: /9715 :param params: Request parameter :type params: dict or str or io.BufferedReader :param url: URL to which the parameters will be sent :type url: str :param method: HTTP method to send request :type method: str :return: converted data ready to be used in HTTP request :rtype: dict or bytes .. versionchanged:: 0.7.3 Added the ``url`` and ``method`` parameters """ if isinstance(params, bytes): return params if isinstance(params, str): return params.encode('utf-8') if isinstance(params, StringIO): return'utf-8') if isinstance(params, (BufferedReader, BytesIO)): return params if not isinstance(params, dict): return {} # The OBS API has a weird expectation regarding boolean parameters and the maintainers have # made it clear, that they are not going to clean up the API :( # See: # Also, there are parameters giving the impression that they are boolean, but actually are # not. boolean_params = self.get_boolean_params(url=url, method=method) unexpected_bools = {key for key, value in params.items() if isinstance(value, bool) and key not in boolean_params} if unexpected_bools: for key in unexpected_bools: params[key] = '1' if params[key] else '0' return "&".join( quote(str(key)) if key in boolean_params else f"{quote(str(key))}={quote(str(value))}" for key, value in ( (key, value) for key, value in params.items() if not (key in boolean_params and value in [False, "0", 0, None, ""]) ) if value is not None ).encode()
[docs] def download(self, url, destdir, destfile=None, overwrite=False, **params): """ Shortcut for a streaming GET request :param str url: Download URL :param pathlib.Path destdir: Destination directory :param str destfile: Target file name. If not specified, it will be taken from the URL :param bool overwrite: switch to overwrite existing downloaded file :param params: Additional query params :return: absolute path to file or ``None`` .. versionadded:: 0.7.0 """ destdir = destdir if isinstance(destdir, Path) else Path(destdir) if not destfile: parsed = urlparse(url) destfile = Path(parsed.path).name if destdir.is_file(): raise OSError(errno.EEXIST, "Target directory is a file", destdir) target = destdir.joinpath(destfile) if not overwrite and target.exists(): raise OSError(errno.EEXIST, "File already exists", target) if not destdir.exists(): destdir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) response = self.request(url=url, method="GET", stream=True, params=params) with"wb") as handle: for chunk in response.iter_content(1024): handle.write(chunk) return target
[docs] def get_objectified_xml(self, response): """ Return API response as an XML object .. versionchanged:: 0.1.6 Allow parsing of "huge" XML inputs .. versionchanged:: 0.2.4 Allow ``response`` to be a string :param response: An API response or XML string :rtype response: :py:class:`requests.Response` :return: :py:class:`lxml.objectify.ObjectifiedElement` """ if isinstance(response, str): text = response else: text = response.text try: return fromstring(text, self.parser) except ValueError: # Just in case OBS returns a Unicode string with encoding # declaration if isinstance(text, str) and \ "encoding=" in text: return fromstring( re.sub(r'encoding="[^"]+"', "", text) ) # This might be something else raise