Source code for osctiny.utils.conf

Configuration utilities

This module provides a collection of utilities to access the configuration of
`osc <>`_ in order to make it easier to create command line tools
with OSC Tiny.

.. versionadded:: 0.4.0
import typing
from base64 import b64decode
from bz2 import decompress
from configparser import ConfigParser, NoSectionError
from http.cookiejar import LWPCookieJar
import os
from pathlib import Path

    from osc import conf as _conf
    from osc.oscerr import ConfigError, ConfigMissingApiurl
except ImportError:
    _conf = None

# Query parameters that are considered to be boolean by the build service
    "^/source/[^/]+/[^/]+/?$": {
        'GET': ('emptylink', 'expand', 'meta', 'lastworking', 'withlinked', 'deleted', 'parse'),
        'POST': ('ignoredevel', 'add_repositories', 'noaccess', 'update_path_elements',
                 'extend_package_names', 'extend_package_names', 'keeplink', 'repairlink')
    "^/source/[^/]+/?$": {
        'GET': ('expand', 'deleted'),
    "^/source/[^/]+/[^/]+/[^/]+$": {
        'PUT': ('keeplink',)
    "^/build/[^/]+/_result$": {
        'GET': ('lastbuild', 'locallink', 'multibuild')
    "search/published/(binary|repoinfo|pattern)/id$": {
        'GET': ('withdownloadurl',)

[docs]def get_config_path() -> Path: """ Return path of ``osc`` configuration file :return: Path :raises FileNotFoundError: if no config file found """ env_path = os.environ.get("OSC_CONFIG", None) conf_path = os.environ.get('XDG_CONFIG_HOME', '~/.config') if env_path: path = Path(env_path) if path.is_file(): return path for path in (Path.home().joinpath(".oscrc"), Path(conf_path).joinpath("osc/oscrc").expanduser()): if path.is_file(): return path raise FileNotFoundError("No `osc` configuration file found")
def _get_credentials_from_oscrc(url: typing.Optional[str] = None) -> typing.Tuple[str, str, Path]: """ Get credentials for Build Service instance identified by ``url`` from ``osc`` config file .. note:: This function does not perform data validation or sanitation. It is not recommended to call this function directly; use :py:fun:`get_credentials` instead. :param url: URL of Build Service instance (including schema). If not specified, the value from the ``apiurl`` parameter in the config file will be used. :return: (username, password, SSH private key path) :raises ValueError: if config provides no credentials .. versionadded:: 0.6.3 """ parser = ConfigParser() path = get_config_path() try: if url is None: url = parser["general"].get("apiurl", url) except (KeyError, NoSectionError) as error: raise ValueError("`osc` config does not provide the default API URL") from error if url not in parser.sections(): raise ValueError("`osc` config has no section for URL {}".format(url)) username = parser[url].get("user", None) password = parser[url].get("pass", None) if not password: password = parser[url].get("passx", None) if password: password = decompress(b64decode(password.encode("ascii"))).decode("ascii") sshkey = parser[url].get("sshkey", None) if sshkey: sshkey = Path(sshkey).expanduser() return username, password, sshkey def _get_credentials_from_oscconf(url: typing.Optional[str] = None) -> typing.Tuple[str, str, Path]: """ Get credentials for Build Service instance identified by ``url`` from ``osc`` .. note:: This function does not perform data validation or sanitation. It is not recommended to call this function directly; use :py:fun:`get_credentials` instead. :param url: URL of Build Service instance (including schema). If not specified, the value from the ``apiurl`` parameter in the config file will be used. :return: (username, password, SSH private key path) :raises ValueError: if config provides no credentials :raises RuntimeError: if ``osc`` is not installed .. versionadded:: 0.6.3 """ if _conf is None: raise RuntimeError("`osc` is not installed. Use _get_credentials_from_oscrc instead!") try: _conf.get_config() if url is None: # get the default api url from osc's config url = _conf.config["apiurl"] # and now fetch the options for that particular url api_config = _conf.get_apiurl_api_host_options(url) username = api_config["user"] # Note: `osc` can return a wrapper object instead of a plain password: # password = str(api_config["pass"]) sshkey = Path(api_config["sshkey"]) if api_config.get("sshkey", None) else None except (KeyError, ConfigError, ConfigMissingApiurl) as error: if isinstance(error, ConfigError): raise ValueError("`osc` config was not found.") from error # this is the case of ConfigMissingApiurl raise ValueError("`osc` config has no options for URL {}".format(url)) from error return username, password, sshkey # pylint: disable=too-many-branches
[docs]def get_credentials(url: typing.Optional[str] = None) \ -> typing.Tuple[str, typing.Optional[str], typing.Optional[Path]]: """ Get credentials for Build Service instance identified by ``url`` .. important:: If the ``osc`` package is not installed, this function will only try to extract the username and password from the configuration file. Any credentials stored on a keyring will not be accessible! :param url: URL of Build Service instance (including schema). If not specified, the value from the ``apiurl`` parameter in the config file will be used. :return: (username, password, SSH private key path) :raises ValueError: if config provides no credentials .. versionchanged:: 0.6.3 If an SSH key is configured, this function will return ``None`` instead of a password. """ getter = _get_credentials_from_oscrc if _conf is None else _get_credentials_from_oscconf username, password, sshkey = getter(url=url) if not username: raise ValueError(f"`osc` config provides no username for URL {url}") if sshkey is not None: if not sshkey.exists(): # if it is just a key file name, look at the default SSH dir (which is the most # common case) sshkey = Path.home() / ".ssh" / sshkey if not sshkey.exists(): raise ValueError(f"SSH key from config does not exist: {sshkey}") if not password and not sshkey: raise ValueError(f"`osc` config provides no password or SSH key for URL {url}") return username, password if sshkey is None else None, sshkey